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Please Note:

Not all Articles have changes.  However, EVERY Article has been renumbered for the ease of reference and modification in the future.  Section names are made up of the Article number, the Section number, the paragraph number and sometimes a sub-paragraph number.  This is so that if you refer to a portion of the ByLaws as 1.1 (one point one), then you know exactly where to find that paragraph.

Article I

Name of the Association

Section 1 – The name of the association shall be “The Professional Photographers Association of Greater Kansas City, Inc.” Hereafter referred to as PPAGKC.

Article I

Name of the Association

1.1 - The name of the association shall be known as “The Professional Photographers Association of Greater Kansas City, Inc.”, hereafter referred to as PPAGKC.

Article II

Purpose of the Association

Section 1 – The purpose of the association shall be: The association exists solely for the good of its members. The association provides tools and educational opportunities for its members to achieve their business and artistic goals.  It is committed to an on-going exchange of information and experiences between all members in an open and friendly atmosphere.

Article II

Purpose of the Association

2.1 - The Professional Photographers Association of Greater Kansas City (PPAGKC) exists for the good of its members, the good of the photographic community in general as well as the betterment of the Greater Kansas City area as a whole by adhering to the following guidelines.

2.1.1 - PPAGKC provides tools, educational opportunities and opportunities for community involvement for it's active members to achieve their business, artistic and life goals.

2.1.2 - PPAGKC is committed to an on-going exchange of information and experience between all of it's members in an open, non-judgemental and friendly atmosphere.

2.1.3 - PPAGKC is committed to improving the technical ability of it's members in the art of photography.

2.1.4 - PPAGKC promotes ethical conduct among professional photographers for the protection of the public and the members of the Organization.

2.1.5 - PPAGKC strives to improve the position in which professional photographers are held in the public eye.

2.1.6 - PPAGKC publicizes the ethical standards and technical ability of it's members.

Article III

Membership Classifications

Section 1 – The membership of this Association shall be composed of three classes:

  • A. Professional Members
  • B. Active Members
  • C. Friends of PPAGKC

Section 2 – Professional Membership -  Any photographer, artists, or individual involved in the photographic industry that holds a full paid membership in the Professional Photographers of America will be considered a Professional member of PPAGKC.

Section 3 – Active Membership - Any photographer, artist, or individual involved in the photographic industry that does not hold a full paid membership in the Professional Photographers of America but is a full-time professional photographer.

Section 4 – Friends of PPAGKC - Any part-time photographer, artist or individual involved in the photographic industry that is not considered a Professional or Active member of PPAGKC organization.

Manufacturers, representatives of manufacturers, processing and printing laboratories, and dealers and salespersons of photographic materials and equipment will be considered Friends of PPAGKC.

These members will not have the right to vote or hold office in PPAGKC.

Any PPAGKC bulletin sponsor is automatically considered a Friend of PPAGKC.

These members will not have the right to hold office or vote.


Article III

Membership Classifications

3.1 - The membership of the PPAGKC shall be composed of the following classes:

3.1.1  Professional Membership - Description - Any photographer, artist, or individual involved in the photographic industry, either full or part time, that holds a full paid membership in the national Professional Photographers of America (PPA) organization will be considered a Professional member of PPAGKC. - Additional Description - Any High School, College or Art Institute Student in an accredited learning facility that also holds a paid membership in the national Professional Photographers of America (PPA) organization that is involved in a photographic group, degree program or any other class or organization directly involved with photography.

3.1.2  Active Membership Description - Any photographer, artist, or individual involved in the photographic industry that does not hold a full paid membership in the national Professional Photographers of America (PPA) but is a full or part time professional photographer. Additional Description - Any High School, College or Art Institute Student in an accredited learning facility that is involved in a photographic group, degree program or any other class or organization directly involved with photography.

3.1.3  Friends of PPAGKC Description - Any photographer, artist or individual involved in the photographic industry that is not considered a Professional or Active member of PPAGKC organization.  Manufacturers, representatives of manufacturers, processing and printing laboratories, and dealers and salespersons of photographic materials and equipment will be considered Friends of PPAGKC.  These members will not have the right to vote or hold office in PPAGKC.  Any PPAGKC bulletin sponsor is automatically considered a Friend of PPAGKC.

3.2  Membership Levels - Members of any class above will also be grouped into the following levels.

3.2.1 - Member - This is a regular, paying member of PPAGKC.

3.2.2 - New Member - 1st Time Member in their first year of membership.

3.2.3 - Trial Member - Member that opted for a 1-month Trial Membership

3.2.4 - Student Member - An active member that is a student of photography.

3.2.5 - Former Member - Member that has let their membership lapse.

Existing Bylaws

Proposed ByLaws

Website, logo and content copyrighted © 2018-2019 by PPAGKC (Professional Photographers of America in Greater Kansas City).

PPAGKC is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. Kansas City, Missouri, 64104, Est. MCMLIV, January, 1954

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