Join us with Taylor Brumfield! September 8th, 2020 at 6:00pm on Zoom!, discussing Skin Retouching Techniques!
Taylor Brumfield is a Virginia-based photographer who specializes in commercial and editorial beauty portraiture as well as product photography. She is also an avid educator who is invested in the advancement and growth of each and every student with whom she interacts.
She started her portraiture journey after she joined a fashion magazine during her college years, where she immediately realized this was her true calling, and she has not looked back since!
She will be discussing a comprehensive workflow for intermediate retouching including frequency separation and global dodge and burn techniques and approaches in Photoshop.
Website, logo and content copyrighted © 2018-2019 by PPAGKC (Professional Photographers of America in Greater Kansas City).
PPAGKC is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. Kansas City, Missouri, 64104, Est. MCMLIV, January, 1954