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Welcome Back Meeting/DIY

  • 08/09/2021
  • 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • HHColor Lab


Registration is closed

It’s time to get back together! 

We are getting back together at H&H Colorlab with a DIY and Meet N' Greet! To kick off our meetings and see everyone again we are also getting some great BBQ for food as well! As well as some fun drinks for people to enjoy. We are also encouraging people to bring any tips or tricks that they have come up with (what was your Covid project?) that help them in their business. 

This FREE event is for any and all who want to come along! You can even bring a friend or two if you can. We need people to RSVP to this event as soon as they can so we can ensure food is ordered for everyone. 

Looking forward to seeing everyone!

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