Get two dynamic photography programs together in one evening.
Rodney M. Loesch Cr. Photog and Certified Financial Planner® presents:
Tax and Personal Financial Planning Tips for the Photographer &
Marketing Your Fine Art in Your Pajamas
Rodney has put together a Checklist of Tips and Techniques for the everyday photographer to save money on their taxes even for ones you haven’t filed yet.
Learn about ways you can cut down on self-employment taxes and ways to save for a well-deserved retirement.
Rodney has the answer for what to do with those thousands of files, negatives, and slides that you have accumulated over the years of fine art, travel, wildlife, and landscapes. You will find out all the ways to leverage Print of Demand and the many related websites and services that are available.
Rodney has made an extensive study and interviews of successful and not so successful photographers utilizing these services. If you are interested in selling art online, you have come to the right place. Learn how you can leverage technology and social media to earn money while you sleep.
-=<<< Rodneys Bio >>>=-
My creative eye for photography started at the age of six with 25 cents and two box tops from Wheaties cereal. That got me a plastic 127 roll film camera, and I was hooked. I’m sure the nuns found me an annoyance, always popping up with my camera, little did I realize that I was even then a practitioner of Henri Cartier-Breeson’s Decisive Moment.
Having been involved professionally in photographer since the age of sixteen, one of my highlights came in 2022 when I received the prestigious PPA National Award for “meritorious contributions to professional photography”.
In my extensive career its hard to point to specific highlights, however the most interesting two-week period in my life was having different photographs published in both the Christian Science Monitor and Playboy magazine, quite a dichotomy.
Website, logo and content copyrighted © 2018-2019 by PPAGKC (Professional Photographers of America in Greater Kansas City).
PPAGKC is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. Kansas City, Missouri, 64104, Est. MCMLIV, January, 1954